市场猜测,苹果有可能在3月发布会上宣布一些新的硬件。例如发布了一年多、但迟迟未推出的无线充电板AirPower,带有无线充电盒的新款AirPods 2,顶级苹果分析师、天风国际郭明錤透露的10.2英寸iPad,以及更高端的Mac Pro或iPad Mini等。
As the crisis that began with a devaluation of the Thai baht spread, optimism in Hong Kong stocks quickly turned into panic selling and triggered a run on the currency. The monetary authority held firm against speculators, allowing overnight interest rates to jump to 300 percent as cash drained out of the interbank market, where banks exchange different currencies. This was enough to kill off the hedge-fund attack as local banks could only meet their own needs, so there were no Hong Kong dollars left to finance short sellers.
Often it’s interest rates, when local ones don’t move in tandem with the U.S. For example, as the Federal Reserve kept raising rates in 2018, it became more attractive for investors to sell local dollars and buy higher-yielding U.S. dollars. The Hong Kong dollar fell to the lower end of its trading band that April, so the HKMA began buying. Then, in one dramatic trading session on Sept. 21, 2018, the Hong Kong dollar surged out of the danger zone. Analysts at the time cited the prospect of higher rates in the city, stop-loss orders and even upcoming holidays as likely triggers. Whatever the reason, it didn’t last, and interventions resumed in 2019. In the week of March 9-15 the authority spent about $700 million buying Hong Kong dollars.